Saturday, June 20, 2009

June Holidays with a speck of H1N1 vibe

OH MOI GOODY.... it's been a long time since I've written in this tiny space of my imagination. Let me ramble on all the 'exciting' happenings during the June summer vacation and also delineate abit on the latest H1N1 crazy spree.

The June Holidays had been the MOST unproductive time of my JC life... Been slacking like almost every single day... spending alot of time on playing Maplestory. I still can't figure out why and how I caught the Maple-bug once again... it left me a traumatic experience in my secondary school days, AND I DON'T WISH TO LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!! That's why I've been trying to get out of my comfort nest, and study with friends... the computer is maniacally distracting.

Singapore was at a close shave when the H1N1 situation was granted a Yellow indicator. But it seems like Singapore couldn't remain a impregnable fortress in the midst of a brewing H1N1 catastrophe. The number of infected people increased to 103 from a mere 20 within weeks... but luckily those cases were discovered promptly and the patients were sent for quaratine ASAP to prevent a potential epidemic on this tiny island. Oh... the hot weather could also have killed the nasty virus...

Let's hope that everyone can do their best in the EXAMS and stay healthy!! CHIONG TOWARDS A LEVELS !!!

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