Tuesday, March 10, 2009

13 Days to SA1 !

Oh-my-sweet-Mama-from-Oklahoma SA1 is just 13 days away and I'm not glamarously prepared for it! There're like quite a handful of perplexing chapters that I have not found considerable amount of enlightenment in. Let me list them out to remind myself...

Maths: Perm and Comb (This thing is making my haircrop all frizzy and tangled)

Chemistry: Amino Acids and Proteins (In the midst of comprehending all the structures)

Physics: Waves/Oscillations (Just need abit of final touch-up)

GP: A persistent lack of substantial knowledge. I need to read voraciously, have to extent my reading time into toilet breaks.

History: It's on the path of improvement, just need to read through the horribly-thick notes a few times.

All these nitty bits of stress are irritating me!! I'll make sure after this SA1 I'll go watch a movie!! Feel like receiving jolts of psychological terror from horror flicks. 'Let the Right One In' ? Haiz, gotta go now! Cya Folks!

Love from BlacquePeppoir (steak)

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